Become part of the
one heart family
It is possible to eradicate poverty - with the collective contribution of governments, organisations and communities. But the motivation for change comes from the power of everyday people like you.
By giving just $55 per month you will change the life path of one child forever, lifting them out of poverty and bringing hope for their future.

By supporting One Heart with a one-off or a regular contribution, you will be part of the global solution, bringing hope to children and changing the world to be a better, fairer and more peaceful place.
Ways to Give
Your generous one-off donation of any amount will go directly to the care of One Heart children, helping us to provide clothing, learning resources, sanitary products or health care services.
The Pulse
By joining The Pulse, our community of monthly donors, you will be collectively ensuring that One Heart can, day in, day out, provide the vital foundational needs for the kids in our care, their guardians and families, as well as the salaries for our team on the ground who providing these services. Knowing that these fundamentals are reliably covered by The Pulse community means we can focus on projects and initiatives that embed sustainable growth and self-sufficiency, and together break this cycle of poverty and create life-long generational impact.
We are able to purchase land and deliver key infrastructure projects like our skills training centre, our new Tanzania Academy and our plantations with the help of many international organisations, businesses and individuals.
When you sponsor a child, you are creating life long, generational change. Your sponsorship provides a safe, loving family environment, health care, education and the support structures that will set a child up for a better future.
more information
Sponsorship Options
For only $55 per month you can change the life of one child by being a co-sponsor. The cost to raise a child at One Heart works out to be $220 per month. As a sponsor, you will have the option to cover a portion of this monthly cost or the full amount.
Points of Connection
Your One Heart Donor Portal is your window into the world of your sponsor child.
You can write to them, receive messages from them, see updates on their progress and about their community. The connection you build with your sponsor child is so fulfilling.
The Impact
Your support helps provides a child with all the essentials they need
to grow up in safety and
with health. It enables them to receive education and opportunities to find meaningful employment. And while that is life-changing for the child, the impact continues for generations
as we help to break the poverty cycle.
Corporate Sponsorship
There are many ways your business or company can make a difference. You can join our community of corporate monthly sponsors, host an event as a business to raise funds, participate in the Run or Trek from Poverty, host a speaker at a team or networking session, or explore what goods or services you might be able to offer One Heart to support our work. You could do one, or multiple of these options; or you might have another idea altogether! We’d love to hear it. Tangibly connecting people and businesses to the impact they’re making is something we value highly.
Leaving a legacy is a life-goal many of us have. A legacy for our families that continues once we’re gone, and for the world at large. To leave the world in a better place than we found it.
A gift in will to One Heart is a powerful way to leave a legacy that will make an impact for generations to come as you provide the opportunity to children stuck in poverty to break free through the provision of a place to call home, education, healthcare, access to life's essentials and help build community projects that create change in entire regions.